Meeting Presentations
ECCO Annual Meeting 2024
The ECCO Annual Meeting was held at the University of Texas at Austin on 20-22 March, 2024. The first two days focused on ocean dynamics, high-resolution applications, biogeochemistry, and new frontiers. The third day focused on algorithm and tool development, closing with a discussion of broader topics including how ECCO can address societally-relevant issues and ways to engage the broader research community and students.
A Few More GEOS/ECCO Updates
Zhang, H., Menemenlis, D., and Skitka, J. PDF (1.7 MB) »▲
A First Look at Modified-forcing Experiments to Investigate Drivers of Interannual Variability in Subtropical-to-Tropical Pathways
Hersh, C., Gebbie, J., and Wijffels, S. PDF (4.1 MB) »▲
AMOC Lagrangian Mass, Heat & Salt Transport
Yang, X., and Cessi, P. PDF (8.0 MB) »▲
An Update on Tapenade and on AD Research at INRIA
Hascoët, L., and Bouchot, J.L. PDF (53.9 KB) »▲
Assimilating SWOT Data
Verdy, A., Gille, S., Mazloff, M., and Cornuelle, B. PDF (5.3 MB) »▲
Atmospheric Forcing-induced Uncertainties in the ECCO State Estimate
Wei, Y., Heimbach, P., Nguyen, A., and Pillar, H. PDF (2.5 MB) »▲
Combining Adjoint Sensitivities and ECCOv4-r4 Air-sea Fluxes to Determine Dominant Drivers of North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Variability
Amrhein, D., Stephenson, D., and Thompson, L. PDF (8.6 MB) »▲
Decadal Reorganization of Subantarctic Mode Water
Cerovečki, I., and Haumann, F.A. PDF (4.4 MB) »▲
Early Oceanographic Results From SWOT
Fu, L. PDF (2.8 MB) »▲
ECCO Dataset Production
Moore, G., and Fenty, I. PDF (106 KB) »▲
ECCO Equatorial Currents
Halpern, D. PDF (1.2 MB) »▲
ECCO Modeling Utilities (EMU)
Fukumori, I., Wang, O., and Fenty, I. PDF (2.5 MB) »▲
ECCO Observation Pipeline
Marlis, K. PDF (703 KB) »▲
ECCO Python Tutorials in the Cloud
Delman, A., and Fenty, I. PDF (2.5 MB) »▲
ECCO with Julia, and Cyberinfrastructure
Forget, G. PDF (3.4 MB) »▲
ECCO-Darwin Development Update
Carroll, D. PDF (2.5 MB) »▲
ECCO-Ice Multi-decadal Ice Sheet State Estimation
Cheng, D., Fenty, I., and Larour, E. PDF (4.3 MB) »▲
Elucidating the Role of Ocean Circulation in Changing North Atlantic Nutrients and Biological Productivity
Whitt, D. PDF (3.2 MB) »▲
Energy Imbalance in the Sunlit Ocean Layer (SOL-EI)
Forget, G. PDF (10.3 MB) »▲
Foundational Research Gaps and Future Directions for Digital Twins
Wilcox, K., Chung, C., Kinter, J., Qualters, I., and Segundo, B. PDF (2.6 MB) »▲
GEOS-MITgcm Status
Molod, A. PDF (1.6 MB) »▲
Global-ocean Carbon and Biogeochemical Response to Input From Rivers and Coastal Wetlands
Savelli, R., Menemenlis, D., Simard, M., Carroll, D., Van der Stocken, T., Dutkiewicz, S., and Zhang, H. PDF (4.0 MB) »▲
How Well do we Know the Seasonal Cycle in Ocean Bottom Pressure?
Ponte, R., Zhao, M., and Schindelegger, M. PDF (2.7 MB) »▲
Impact of Ocean Eddies and Submesoscales on the Atmospheric Water Cycle
Torres, H., Klein, P., Menemenlis, D., Siegelman, L., Vivant, F., Wineteer, A., Rodriguez, E., Lee, T., Strobach, E., and McCurdy, N. PDF (3.8 MB) »▲
MAP Program Update
Considine, D. PDF (2.0 MB) »▲
MITgcm and Tapenade
Gaikwad, S., Narayanan, S., Hascoet, L., Campin, J.M., Pillar, H., Nguyen, A., Huckelheim, J., Hovland, P., and Heimbach, P. PDF (1.1 MB) »▲
MITgcm Development
Campin, J.M. PDF (696 KB) »▲
Model/Observation Comparison in Recent ECCOs: Sea-ice Fields in Southern Ocean
Zhang, H. and Menemenlis, D. PDF (6.5 MB) »▲
NASA Ocean Physics
Vinogradova, N. PDF (5.9 MB) »▲
NSF-NERC Collaboration: Drivers and IMpacts of heat and freshwater fluxeS Unsettling Modern day climate (DIMSUM)
Lenn, Y., Lincoln, B., Nguyen, A., Pillar, H., Schulz, K., Oltmanns, M., and Screen, J. PDF (9.9 MB) »▲
Ocean Dynamic Persistence Provides Substantial Predictability for El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
Lee, T. and Wang, O. PDF (1.3 MB) »▲
Preliminary Comparisons of High-resolution ECCO and GEOS/ECCO Simulations with SWOT Data
Menemenlis, D. PDF (2.7 MB) »▲
Regional State Estimation Activities at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Verdy, A., Mazloff, M., Gopalakrishnan, G., and Cornuelle, B. PDF (12.7 MB) »▲
Sea Level Variability, Attribution, and Prediction Using ECCO
Delman, A., Wang, O., Lee, T., Frederikse, T., Collini, R., Fukumori, I., Becker, E., and Kirtman, B. PDF (1.9 MB) »▲
Status of ECCO Central Production
Fenty, I., Fukumori, I., Larour, E., Menemenlis, D., Heimbach, P., Nguyen, A., Pillar, H., Forget, G., Hill, C., Ponte, R., and Carroll, D. PDF (1.8 MB) »▲
Stochastic Parametrization and Adjoint Methods: Exploring a Toy Problem
Trostel, M. PDF (1.4 MB) »▲
Subsea Cable Observing System Design with Regional Models
Goldberg, M., Heimbach, P., Renninger-Rojas, K., and Trossman, D. PDF (5.7 MB) »▲
Surface Controls of Freshwater Export Through Denmark Strait
Boland, E., Jones, D., and Kostov, Y. PDF (4.0 MB) »▲
Surface Factors Controlling the Volume of Accumulated Labrador Sea Water
Kostov, Y., Messias, M.J., Mercier, H., Marshall, D., and Johnson, H. PDF (3.2 MB) »▲
The Arctic Subpolar gyre sTate Estimate (ASTE)
Nguyen, A., Pillar, H., Heimbach, P., and Schulz, K. PDF (5.3 MB) »▲
Underwater Sound Propagation Within Ocean General Circulation
Escobar, I., Heimbach, P., and Habbal, F. PDF (2.9 MB) »▲
Welcome to the 2024 ECCO Meeting
Heimbach, P. PDF (452 KB) »▲